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Dracaena Massangeana is also called the Happy Plant because of the simple nature of this plant. It helps to filter out toxic air inside homes and offices. Dracaena Massangeana needs moderate to bright indirect light and is ideal for offices or fluorescent lighting. Avoid direct sunlight as this may burn or bleach the leaves. Water when the soil starts to dry-out at the top. Water well and allow to drain thoroughly. Relatively drought tolerant. Do not overwater as this will cause the leaf tips to blacken. Dracaena are hardy houseplants and will do well in normal room humidity, however they do prefer higher humidity and will benefit from occasional misting.


English ivy (Hedera helix) is an evergreen perennial. It is also classified as a woody vine. English ivy can act as a ground cover, spreading horizontally. But it is also a climber, due to its aerial rootlets, which allows it to climb to 80 feet high. The plant will eventually bear insignificant greenish flowers, but it is grown primarily for its evergreen leaves. In this regard, ivy can be classified as a foliage plant. The best time to plant English ivy is spring. It is a fast, aggressive grower that is considered invasive in many areas. Keep a watchful eye on children and pets because English ivy is toxic to humans and animals.


The Euphorbia genus includes annual, perennial, and biennial species. You’ll find herbaceous plants and woody shrub species as well as both deciduous and evergreen species. The linking characteristic among the species is the presence of a milky white sap in the plants which comes out of the plants when cut or damaged. This white poisonous sap is something that deer and rabbits don’t like and is highly toxic and an irritant to the skin and eyes.


Tropical beauty, nearly anywhere. That’s what you’ll get with the European Fan Palm Tree. Its long, fan-shaped leaves grow up to 24 inches long and provide dramatic appeal to gives that undeniable tropical look. Stunning in color, the leaves of the European Fan Palm bring various greens, blues, grays and yellows to your landscape.

Chamaerops humilis or European Fan Palm is bushy palm, producing suckers when mature, with broad, pinnate, bluish or greyish green leaves, 60-100cm long, composed of 12-15 linear leaflets. Yellow flowers are borne in dense, almost hidden panicles, to 35cm long, from spring to summer. Height 2-3m, Spread 1-2m. Native of Mediterranean.


Enjoy artificial fern without the maintenance with this faux plant that’s super realistic. Simply style it in a planter pot and showcase on a table to bring a pop of green to your room.
This plant is designed with silk material & is part of plant collections. This plant is handmade by experienced artisans meeting with the highest standards of quality.


No green thumb? No problem! This artificial fern plant in pot is the no-maintenance answer to your houseplant prayers. It’s as simple as dropping this tropical beauty into your favorite planter and enjoying the lush green leaves in your space. Due to the nature of the shipping process, your artificial plant may need some additional fluffing to bring it back to life once it’s been unpackaged. This plant is handmade by experienced artisans meeting with the highest standards of quality.


This Ficus variety has long, banana-shaped leaves. The large, leathery, fast-growing foliage has a lush tropical appeal. This plant has similar growth habits to Ficus Alli, but has many wider, thicker and somewhat larger leaves. During active growth periods, growth tips are a very pronounced pink to red that contrasts beautifully against the broad, shiny leaves. ‘Amstel Queen’ holds its foliage extremely well indoors. Ficus plants do well in bright indirect light; however, they can survive in medium light. The lower the light level, the longer a Ficus takes to produce new leaves. Rotate weekly to maintain the plant’s beautiful shape. Water a Ficus when the top 1 inch of the soil has dried out. Water well so that excess water drains out the drip holes in the bottom of the pot. Immediately empty excess water and do not allow a Ficus to sit in water. New growth turns black and green leaves fall off from over-watering. Leaves become brown and crunchy, drop off, and may turn yellow when the plant needs water. Feed monthly with a well-balanced liquid fertilizer when the plant is actively growing. Use a good, all purpose, well- aerated potting soil.


This Ficus variety has long, banana-shaped leaves. The large, leathery, fast-growing foliage has a lush tropical appeal. This plant has similar growth habits to Ficus Alli, but has many wider, thicker and somewhat larger leaves. During active growth periods, growth tips are a very pronounced pink to red that contrasts beautifully against the broad, shiny leaves. ‘Amstel Queen’ holds its foliage extremely well indoors as well as outdoors.


Ficus benjamin ball style . This plant is a nice idea for a new shop, new office or for someone that like’s geometrical design in the balcony.


Enhance your home decor with nature-inspired faux greenery, like this tall, stunning silk Ficus benjamina plant with grey green artificial leaves. Just style the plant in a beautifuk rustic pot to create a simple but sophisticated look.This plant is handmade by experienced artisans meeting with the highest standards of quality.


Weeping fig (Ficus benjamina’s common name is known as the Ficus tree) grows as a large broadleaf evergreen tree in tropical and subtropical climates, but it is more often grown as a houseplant in homes, offices, and featured in interior commercial landscaping. The Ficus tree is known for its longevity, living between 20 to 50 years. This elegant plant has slender branches that arch gracefully from a light gray trunk, with dense, glossy dark leaves. When the Ficus benjamina tree is grown indoors, the plants are normally pruned to keep them about 3 feet to 6 feet tall, and their trunks are sometimes braided for decorative appeal. It is a fast grower and may need to be repotted up to once per year, but do so in the early spring for best results.


Ficus Bonsai Trees are mainly tropical plants growing throughout south-eastern Asia. There are many species of Ficus. Ones found commonly in bonsai include Retusa, Religiosa, Carica, Benjamina and others. Ficus produce glossy, waxy leaves which are long lasting. They can feature aerial roots from the trunk and branches. In bonsai it is most frequently found in the informal upright style and in small groups. It also lends itself to formal upright, slanting, semi-cascade, twin-trunk, triple-truck and clasped to rock. With care it can be kept indoors and is therefore a popular choice for bonsai here in the UAE.