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A very robust landscaping plant which will grow in full sun to part shade. The leaves are long and tend to remain horizontal (especially if grown in shade) with rounded leaflets which are particularly stiff and thick with a furry texture.

Zamia furfuracea is also known as Cardboard palm. Is a small cycad with a partly underground, simple or rarely branched, cylindrical trunk. Bears terminal whorls of semi-erect to spreading, pinnate leaves, to 1m long, each with up to 24 oblong or inversely lance-shaped to obovate, stiff, pale green leaflets, later olive-green, with red-brown hairs. Produces felted, red-brown female flower cones, 10-13cm long, usually in summer.


Cereus Peruvianus, the Peruvian cactus, is a large, erect, thorny columnar cactus found in South America. It is also known as giant club cactus, hedge cactus, cadushi, and kayush. Cereus repandus is grown mostly as an ornamental plant. The Peruvian apple cactus thrives on bright light and sunlight, although direct sun when blazing hot is best avoided, when first introduced to direct sun. It’s advisable to water this plant more often within the summer and much less, winter time. Like other desert-type cacti, their natural habitat is dry and they store water within the stems. Water this plant when the soil begins drying out, throughout spring and late summer. In late summer reduce watering until the next spring and allow the soil to be fairly dry.


Manilkara Zapota commonly known as Chikoo trees are long-living evergreen trees. These are cultivated for their edible sweet fruits. With its native origin to Central America, Mexico & West Indies, but find its a wide distribution throughout Southeast Asian countries. Chikoo trees have a tendency to grow about 5 – 20 m tall when cultivated in your home garden. This tree consists of glossy medium green leaves, which are alternate, and elliptic to ovate with an entire margin. Manilkara Zapota also blooms inconspicuously with white flowers, that are bell-like, with a six-lobed corolla. The fruit that it bears is somewhat like a large berry (4 – 8 cm in diameter) with its color turning from a pale yellow to an earthy brown as it gets ripened. With their attractive appearance and easy-to-care conditions, these trees are excellent for ground cover or other relevant ornamental purposes.


Manilkara zapota Or Chicko Tree a superb shade, street (where falling fruit will not be a problem), or fruit tree, Sopadilla reaches a height of 45 feet with a 40-foot spread. The smooth, dark, and glossy, six-inch-long evergreen leaves are clustered at the tips of twigs and the small, cream-colored solitary flowers appear in the leaf axils throughout the year. The four-inch-wide, scurfy brown fruits have a juicy, sweet, yellow-brown flesh and ripen to softness in spring and summer. The flower-to-fruit period is about ten months. The bark and branches, when injured, bleed a white latex which is the source of chicle, the original base for chewing gum. The trunk on older specimens is flaky and quite attractive, and flares at the base into numerous surface roots.


China doll plants are broadleaf evergreens that have a moderately fast growth rate indoors. These plants have small, glossy green leaves and an upward growth habit that can reach 4 to 6 feet tall at maturity. China doll plants do best when grown in full sun or bright, indirect light along with moist, well-drained soil. Native to the subtropical mountainous regions of Asia, China doll plants have a feathery, eye-catching appearance that can bring a pop of greenery to any corner of the home when grown indoors.


Livistona Chinensis or the Chinese fan palm or fountain palm is a species of the subtropical palm tree of east Asia. It is native to southern Japan, Taiwan, the Ryukyu Islands, southeastern China, and Hainan.

Livistona chinensis, Chinese Fan Palm or Fountain Palm is medium-sized palm with an erect, robust trunk swollen at the base, the upper part covered with fibrous leaf bases, at least at first. Glossy, rich green leaves, to 2m long, with shorter, spiny leaf-stalks, are divided for up to two-thirds of their leangth into many linear, pendent segments. Cream flowers are borne in panicles to 1m or more long, usually in summer, followed by ovoid to spherical, glossy, blue-green to grey-pink fruit, 2-2.5cm across.


Citrus Microcarpa, also known as Calamansi Citrus, is a unique citrus fruit high in antioxidants and vitamin C. It is a great source of nutrients with a distinctive sweet flavor, making it a popular choice for culinary uses.

Orange fruit is an important agricultural product, used for both the juicy fruit pulp and the aromatic peel. Orange blossoms are used in several different ways, as are the leaves and wood of the tree. Calamansi citrus microcarpa fruits are sour and are often used for preserves or cooking. The calamansi bears a small citrus fruit that is used to flavor foods and drinks. Despite its outer appearance and its aroma, the taste of the fruit itself is quite sour, although the peel is sweet. Calamansi marmalade can be made in the same way as orange marmalade. Like other citrus fruits, the calamansi is high in vitamin C.


Cocos nucifera or coconut palm is a large palm with a swollen, tapered base, an often-leaning grey trunk, and pinnate, bright green leaves, 4-6m long, with many linear leaflets. Small, bowl-shaped, fragrant, cream to yellow flowers are borne at intervals throughout the year, followed by ovoid fruit, each with a green to ochre-yellow or orange-red exterior covering a fibrous brown husk. Height 20-30cm, Spread 12m. Native of Coastal tropical region.


Hand-poured, this 3.5 inch (M) Orbis Candle serves as an illuminating presence—inspiring meditative calm with its fusing of raw, minimalist design and soft, flaming light. Each summoning a different mood through an articulated blending of essential oils, binding together top notes to create a Bright Citrus scent.


Our artisanal concrete candles scented with natural scents are made and poured by hand with passion from our workshop.


The jade plant is a popular succulent houseplant with simple indoor/outdoor care requirements and a very long lifespan of up to 70 years with the proper care. This plant is slow-growing—gaining only about two inches of height per year, but it can reach a total height between three and six feet. Jade plants feature thick, woody stems topped by green, fleshy leaves with an oval shape. Plant in loose, well-draining soil. A succulent potting mix is the best option.


The croton plant (Codiaeum variegatum) has colorful variegated foliage and nearly limitless leaf forms with hundreds of croton plant varieties. Croton plants grow best outdoors in warm, humid climates. They like full to dappled light and plentiful water. Growing croton plants indoors can be a challenge to mimic their ideal conditions. Outdoor croton plants can reach around 8 feet tall, but as pot-grown houseplants they tend to be much smaller, making Croton a good indoor plant in that regard. In general, Codiaeum variegatum grows relatively slowly, gaining less than a foot per growing season.