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The rosemary plant (Salvia rosmarinus) is a fragrant herb that grows as a perennial rounded evergreen shrub. It features slender, needle-like, gray-green leaves on erect woody stems. It produces clusters of small, light blue to white flowers typically in the late spring to early summer, though it can bloom at other points of the year as well. Plant rosemary in the spring. You can grow rosemary indoors, too, though it will grow quite large. The shrub has a moderate growth rate and spreads when planted.


This big beauty is the classic South Florida palm tree and a Florida native. Smooth trunks of gray to gray-white are topped with bright green crownshafts and long, luxurious, full fronds. Soaring to heights 25 mt tall, this giant palm tree is one of the most sought-after landscape palms for elegant South Florida homes.


Common name of Roystonia regia is Royal Palm with a sturdy trunk, usually thickened at the base and again in the middle, becoming thinner towards the crownshaft. Leaves 3-5m long, have many linear, rich green leaflets arranged in several ranks. Cup-shaped white flowers are borne in panicles, to 1m long, usually in summer.


Native to southern China, Southeast Asia, and Indonesia, Ficus elastica is a species of evergreen tropical plant that makes for an excellent houseplant: It is tolerant of indoor light conditions. Rubber plants (known scientifically as Ficus elastica or Ficus robusta) get their name from the milky white latex in their veins. The Mesoamerican people from way back in 1400BC used rubber plants as a key ingredient to make bouncy balls. In parts of India, people use their strong roots to make ‘living bridges’ over small rivers. But they’re best known today for being handsome houseplants with their silky sheen, creamy colors and air purifying qualities.


Variegated Rubber plants differ from regular rubber plants in their leaf color. Traditional rubber plants have dark green leaves but variegated rubber plants have leaves with shades of red, yellow, cream and green. Their colors fit the landscape of the desert perfectly. Perfect for bringing color and life to entry areas, empty corners and mixed plant groupings! Rubber Plants are a popular houseplant choice due to their ease of care, attractive foliage and tree-like presence. Perfect for all kinds of containers. Makes a breathtaking potted specimen plant. Keep soil evenly moist. Apply a balanced liquid fertilizer monthly during active growth. Dust or wipe off leaves for best display. Prune branches to maintain desired size.


Arabian jasmine is famous for its fragrant flowers and its use in jasmine tea and leis. It is a fast-growing evergreen climbing shrub. Glossy, dark green oval leaves create a beautiful contrast to the highly fragrant, white flowers that fade to pink as they age. These beautiful-smelling blooms appear all summer long and may continue to bloom year-round in warm climates. Arabian jasmine can be trained as a flowering vine with support or maintained as a sprawling shrub. It also does very well in containers and makes an eye-catching plant for patios and porches.


Enhance your home decor with nature-inspired faux flowers, like this tall, stunning silk flower stem with green artificial leaves. Just style the branches in a tall vase to create a simple but sophisticated look.

This Sandersonia flower is designed with silk material & is part of flower collections. This flower is handmade by experienced artisans meeting with the highest standards of quality.


Schefflera is a large genus of tropical plants that includes two species that make wonderful tropical houseplants. The larger Schefflera actinophylla (sometimes called the umbrella plant or umbrella tree) features long, shiny, oval green leaves that droop gracefully from a central stalk, resembling an umbrella. A mature Schefflera might have 12 to 16 leaflets from a single stalk, while an immature Schefflera is more likely to have four to six. Schefflera arboricola (sometimes called dwarf Schefflera) features smaller, glossy leaves, sometimes with creamy variegation. Other than the smaller size, it looks very similar to its taller cousin. Schefflera pants are usually grown indoors for most of the year in cooler climates but can be taken outdoors for the warmer months, where they will thrive alongside other tropical plants. However, Schefflera plants typically have to be grown outdoors to display their show of long red, white, or pink tentacle-like flowers. Plants grown indoors rarely produce flowers. Schefflera plants are fast-growing plants, especially if planted outdoors, where they can add three feet per year. Indoor plants are slower-growing, especially if you keep them somewhat confined in a tight-fitting container. If you are planting a Schefflera in a warm climate garden, they are best planted in spring or fall when the weather is not blazing hot.


Satin pothos (Scindapsus pictus), just like its botanical cousin pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is one of the easiest houseplants to grow. Both are members of the Arum family. They are evergreen tropical vines that are not cold-tolerant. That’s why pothos is usually grown indoors. What distinguishes satin pothos from pothos is the variegation of its foliage. The heart-shaped leaves have silvery grey splotches, which makes them look almost shiny and adds to the visual appeal of the plant. The intensity of the variegation depends on the cultivar. Satin pothos is a vine that will latch onto its surroundings—that can be a pole, a trellis, other plants, a wall, or a piece of furniture. The way the vine attaches to surfaces is through its aerial roots. Sometimes it does this on its own, sometimes it needs a little help, such as with invisible mini hooks. Instead of letting it trail, you can also grow satin pothos in a hanging planter allowing its foliage to cascade down.


Snake plant, is a popular and hardy houseplant with stiff, sword-like leaves from six inches to 12 feet tall in its native habitat but usually reaches two feet tall when grown indoors. They vary in color but many have green-banded or striped leaves with a yellow or cream border. Snake plants are easy to grow and are nearly indestructible. They grow slowly indoors, adapting to both bright light and low-light corners, however a few hours of early morning direct sun can boost growth. Planting and repotting is best done in the spring. Snake plant is toxic to cats and dogs.


Create your faux floral arrangement with these exceptionally beautiful white snowball flowers that are among the best artificial botanicals inspired by nature. Simply style a few branches in a large vase to complete a sophisticated look that draws all the attention to the heavenly, hydrangea-like blooms.

This Snowball flower is designed with silk material & is part of flower collections. This flower is handmade by experienced artisans meeting with the highest standards of quality.


Peace lilies are not true lilies. They are tropical, evergreen plants in the Arum family, native to tropical Central and South America. These plants thrive on the forest floor, where they receive dappled sunlight and consistent moisture and humidity. Replicating these conditions in the home is the key to getting your peace lily to be happy and healthy. With enough light, peace lilies produce white to off-white flowers starting in the early summer, continuing to bloom throughout the year in the right conditions. Most household varieties of peace lily grow up to 16 inches tall, but larger outdoor cultivars can have leaves that reach up to 6 feet in height.