With almost 50 different Monstera species out there, you have a wide variety of options to choose from when it comes to decorating your homes or living spaces. But what are the best options?
Monstera Deliciosa

Also known as the split-leaf philodendron or Swiss cheese plant, Monstera Deliciosa is a tropical plant often kept as a houseplant. This easy-to-grow climbing evergreen can be found in many designer spaces for its “wow” factor.
Monstera deliciosa features large foliage with beautiful-looking fenestrations that are super exotic-looking. The leaves of the Monstera deliciosa are quite large as they can grow to a length of 3ft. They are also easy to grow and easy to care for.
This is the most popular of all the Monstera varieties, It can be found growing in tropical regions of Central America and can also be found in most nursery outlets in the Middle East.
Monstera Adansonii

Monstera adansonii is a unique, easy-to-care-for vine houseplant. It is nicknamed the “Swiss cheese plant” for its pointed perforated heart-shaped leaves with big holes.
It features beautiful, dark green foliage with near-perfect looking fenestrations that are just the perfect fit for giving that all-natural feel to your living space.
When it comes to height, the adansonii is quite smaller than the deliciosa. However, this beautiful species is blessed with fast-growing habits indoors and can measure as high as 8ft.
Monstera Acuminata

This beautiful plant species might be the perfect ornamental plant for small living spaces. The acuminata is a lot like the adansonii. However, the acuminata is a lot more compact and smaller.
It features dark green foliage with beautiful fenestrations and can grow as high as 7ft and as wide as 2ft while indoors and are native to the tropical regions of Central and South America.
Monstera Karstenianum

Also known as Monstera Peru, because of its origins tied to the deep forests of Peru, the Monstera karstenianum does not require much care for proper growth, thereby making it the perfect houseplant for a person who is always on the move.
The Monstera karstenianum features deep green luxurious looking leaves with no fenestrations, and they are quite small, growing as high as 2-4ft max.
Monstera Dubia

The Monstera dubia is a rare, lesser-known variety of Monstera than the common Monstera deliciosa or Monstera adansonii, but it’s gorgeous variegation and interesting growth habit make it a great addition to any houseplant collection.
In its native habitat of tropical Central and South America, Monstera dubia is a creeping vine that climbs trees and large plants. Juvenile plants are characterized by small heart-shaped leaves with both light green and dark green variegation and the leaves lie flat against whatever they are growing on. In contrast, mature Monstera dubia plants, which are usually only seen in the wild, closely resemble Monstera deliciosas with large fenestrations and no variegation. Unlike juvenile Monstera dubia leaves, the mature leaves hang from the vines.
Monstera Siltepecana

Monstera siltepecana, also known as silver monstera ‘El Salvador’, is a tropical plant native to Mexico and Central America that’s often grown as a houseplant.
This climbing epiphytic vine is known for its lance-shaped juvenile leaves with silvery markings against dark green veins. In the proper conditions, mature Monstera siltepecana leaves can develop fenestrations, or holes, and lose their silvery color in favor of a deeper green.
Monstera Obliqua

Undoubtedly one of the rarest, most sought-after, and most expensive houseplants on the market, the Monstera obliqua is not for the faint of heart. A single, unrooted cutting can be very expensive, particularly if it’s mature and highly fenestrated, which means this rare Monstera is usually only grown by serious collectors. Not only is this tropical plant expensive, but it’s also slow-growing and demanding in its care. Due to all of these factors, it is extremely difficult to come across a genuine Monstera obliqua. If you’re in the market for an obliqua, it’s best to source it from a specialty plant shop, reputable collector, or importer who can guarantee its authenticity.
The Monstera obliqua is frequently confused with its cousin the Monstera adansonii, which is similar in appearance. In fact, it’s common for Monstera adansoniis to be mislabeled and sold as obliquas, particularly the highly fenestrated ones. However, these two plants can be distinguished by the size and shape of the fenestrations. The obliqua develops far larger, rounder fenestrations as it matures and is known for its super-thin, delicate leaves and slow growth rate.
Monstera Albo

Monstera albo (Monstera deliciosa ‘Albo Borsigiana’) is a rare and exclusive plant that many plant collectors love and adore. This variegated monstera is at the top of many wish lists around the world thanks to its stunning variegation and prestige reputation—with small plants often selling for several thousand dirhams.
It is a subspecies of the popular Monstera deliciosa, characterized by large patches of white, naturally occurring variegation on split leaves.

Useful tips for Monstera varieties: