Modern & Contemporary

A contemporary or modern garden always represents an oasis of peace and physical and mental revival, which is extremely beneficial when we have a hectic lifestyle specific to the big cities. Under the pressure of the rapidly developing urban rate, gardens have gained more attention and have become increasingly popular as a refuge against stress and fatigue induced by urban agglomerations. The contemporary gardens, small or big, are more than some collections of plants, becoming an outdoor extension of the living space, offering comfort, elegance, and functionality.

The contemporary gardens are design statements and thought in terms of architecture rather than in terms of classic design. The modern garden is connected with the interior space and it appears as an extension of it through a smooth transition from the interior to the exterior. The palette of materials, stone, concrete, ceramic tile, iron, and wood, is extremely varied, and you must choose what matches to your needs and tastes. You have to look for the plants whose growth is favored by the climate in your area. Also, the soil quality is very important and should be considered.

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