Green Without Grass

80% of Golden Seed clients requested a landscape design that did not maximize the use of lawn—and 37% requested no traditional property at all, instead preferring artificial turf or grass-alternative planting and hardscaping.

Lawns are the most maintenance-intensive part of a landscape, requiring regular mowing, weeding, fertilization, and a great deal of irrigation to stay green and tidy. With all this upkeep comes fuel consumption and exhaust emissions from mowing, pollution from fertilizers and pesticides, and excessive water consumption during long summer months.

A blend of water-resistant plants, including several native species, occupy a sizable chunk of the perimeter, welcoming birds and other pollinator species while establishing a calming, natural backdrop to the seating area. Gravel, selected to evoke the colors of river rock, provides a cost-effective ground cover and a satisfying crunch underfoot. Decorative boulders play a similar trick, looking like they were plucked right from a national park (don’t worry, they weren’t).